50 Red Roses


This is a striking bouquet of 50 long-stemmed red roses, elegantly arranged with black and gold ribbons. The contrasting colours of the ribbons perfectly complement the rich red hue of the roses, creating a visually stunning and sophisticated look.

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This is a striking bouquet of 50 long-stemmed red roses, elegantly arranged with black and gold ribbons. The contrasting colours of the ribbons perfectly complement the rich red hue of the roses, creating a visually stunning and sophisticated look.

This is a striking bouquet of 50 long-stemmed red roses, elegantly arranged with black and gold ribbons. The contrasting colours of the ribbons perfectly complement the rich red hue of the roses, creating a visually stunning and sophisticated look.

Instructions for caring for flowers:
- Make sure to regularly refresh the water.
- Replace the water completely every 2 to 3 days.
- Before placing the flowers in a vase after every water change, trim at least half an inch of the stem.
- Avoid exposing your flowers to high temperatures and direct sunlight.
- Remove wilted flowers and leaves

Most cut flowers last between five to seven days, but with good care, they can last up to two weeks or more.

Dozen White Roses
12 Red Roses
Blooms of Elegance
25 Red Roses